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Welcome to RISK Barbell


About RISK Barbell

RISK Barbell is a 24hr powerlifting and strength conditioning gym. RISK Barbell's goal is to provide athletes from all skill levels a high quality gym they love. RISK Barbell was founded by Eduardo Castaneda. Eddie started RISK Barbell early 2021 in the back of a 2 door Honda Civic. The company started as a traveling gym company that specialized in bringing the gym to peoples houses or near by parks. Eddie always had a vision to start a gym; specifically a powerlifting gym. Eddie has had a huge weightloss transformation (lost 120lbs) and now competes in the USAPL. The vision for RISK Barbell is to create a home for those trying to better themselves physically and mentally. RISK Barbell offers plenty of membership options to fit your budget and lifestyle. RISK Barbell is a 6000 sf facility with plenty of powerlifting and accessory machinery to fit the needs of any athlete. We also offer 1 on 1 training; We will help you prepare for your next competition, lose unwanted body fat, gain muscle, and improve overall health and well-being. Eddie offers personal training programs that cater to your specific fitness goals and needs. Whether you are a novice lifter, or an elite lifter, you will love RISK Barbell's high energy facility. Come check us out!

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